SMaRT -Sales Management and Relationships for Trade curriculum
The present e-book includes a new university learning curriculum, centred on international sales management in the EU agri-food sector.
This curriculum aims to provide young students of economic extraction with an integrated set of high skills of economic and business, commercial skills, leadership and communicational and relational competencies to support agri-food SMEs to enter, remain and develop in international business circuits.
Active cooperation with key stakeholders has taken place to ensure that the European guidelines and quality labels are effective and sustainable in the marketplace. In this document, you will find a summary of SMaRT course on international sales management in the agri-food sector. Thus, the “SMaRT-Sales Management and Relationships for Trade” project partnership has developed, validated and promoted a 20 ECTS credit course based on a balanced mix of classroom, e-game-based learning and work-based learning methodologies.