Of Bodies and Symptoms
The question of the social treatment of the body and its transformations emerges in relation to issues of varying types (economic, therapeutic, ideological, cultural, aesthetic,commercial, technical). This book examines the various ways of managing bodily symptoms or transformations and the social stakes and systems of knowledge which relate to them, both on the medical and social level. The contributions provide analyses that concern a broad range of countries. Through the themes it tackles and the subjects it examines, this book reveals both the universal nature of the questions it asks, and the evolution of the objects and approaches of anthropology itself.
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The process of symptomization. Clinical encounters with functional disorders, Mette Bech Risor
From self-diagnosis to self-medication: constructing andidentifying symptoms, Sylvie Fainzang
The allergy epidemic, or when medicalisation is bottom-up, Roberta Raffaetà
Intrusive agents and permeable selves. Spirit consultations in Denmark, Vibeke Steffen
Fibromyalgia, bodily practices and work in Rio de Janeiro, Madel T. Luz, Rafael S. Mattos
Living a chronic illness: a condition between care and strategies, Erica Eugeni
Invisible chronic illnesses inside apparently healthy bodies, Lina Masana
The risk of venous thrombosis and its transmission: medical progress and loss of body image, Claudie Haxaire, Francis Couturaud and Christophe Leroyer
The beast in me. The evolution of mad bodies in contemporary Europe, Josep M. Comelles
From soft discipline to hard pleasure: “hegemonic body images” in North India, William S. Sax
Asymptomatic cholesterol, “wonderdrugs“ and western forms of pharmaceutical inclusion, Pierre-Marie David
Redefining the Boundaries of Humanity. The case of allo- and xenotransplantation, Catherine Rémy
From the experimental body to the experimental patient.Medical experimentation in neuroscience, Baptiste Moutaud
‘Siting’ Genetic Counselling for Pre-symptomatic Genetic Testing in Austria, Bernhard Hadolt
Can Bioethics Embrace Diversity?, Sylvie Fortin
The Authors