Martí i Franquès, l'home que mirava l'aire
Antoni Martí i Franquès deixa la ploma sobre la taula, s’aixeca del seu escriptori i es recolza a la finestra oberta. És primavera i la brisa és agradable. Tot i que passa la major part de l’any a la seva residència de Tarragona, encara li agrada venir a Altafulla quan necessita concentrar-se. Des de la finestra del despatx de casa seva, a prop del castell, es pot veure el mar i uns quants vaixells que hi suren reposadament. Un d’ells és propietat de Martí, i està sortint del Port de Tarragona carregat de mercaderies. Però no és això el que ell mira. Des de la finestra també es veuen els terrats de les cases, alguns camps entre el poble i el mar, la carretera on pagesos atrafegats van i vénen dels camps. Alguns d’aquests homes treballen a les seves terres, que s’estenen per tot el camp de Tarragona. Però tampoc no és això el que mira Martí.
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Antoni de Martí i Franquès laid down his pen, got up from his desk and leant out of the open window. It was spring and a pleasant breeze was blowing. Although he spent most of the year at his home in Tarragona, he still liked to come to Altafulla when he needed to concentrate. From the window of the office in his house, which was near the castle, there was a view of the sea and a few boats quietly floating there. One of them belonged to Martí and was sailing out of the port of Tarragona loaded with goods. But this was not what he was looking at. The window also looked out onto the terraces of other houses, the fields between the village and the sea, and the track along which the farmers toiled to and from their crops. Some of these men worked on their land that was spread all over the Camp de Tarragona. But this was not what Martí was looking at either.